Goal: facilitate the creation of key materials to be released on or before Sept. 17th (Climate Week NYC) including an Ecosystem Map, Industry Report “State of ReFi 2023”, a one page summary / overview of ReFi.

Milestones: this process will involve four key objectives

  1. Collectively answer “What is ReFi?”
  2. Create Stakeholder & Ecosystem Maps
  3. Issue “The State of ReFi 2023” Industry Report
  4. Develop Marketing Campaign

Context: several previous work streams have converged to form an ideal environment in which to develop these materials.

First, Greenhouse retreat saw the formation of the Social working group, with goals of helping define ReFi values, principles, & common language.

Next, ReFi Rabbit Hole, an initiative with goals of developing similar deliverables was conceived by Sev Nightingale & funded by ReFi Spring.

Finally, the Ecological Benefits Activator began, gaining widespread interest & participation from many ReFi enthusiasts. The ReFi Rabbit Hole WG merged efforts into this activator, and the Social WG shifted focus to mapping stakeholders & designing an outreach & amplification strategy.

Next steps:

with many enthusiastic participants spread throughout the three aforementioned work streams, it’s time to weave the fruits of these efforts into a cohesive, refined set of materials, and catalyze these efforts with financial support to accelerate development.

This scope of work will be led by Sev, Samantha, & Mariana, & will include both Social working group participants, ReFi Rabbit Hole participants, and the synthesis of & coordination with the EBF Activator.