The Emerging Driftless Bioregion

#1  Notes from the first gathering of interested parties.

November 2, 2022 -- 3:00 PM CDT

In attendance:  Evan Hudson, Sam Tam, Tyler Hruby and Rachel Olson

  1. Brainstorming: “Weaving In the New Year” -- A mini-Refi event in the Driftless region to kick off a Regenerative 2023 --
    1. Possibly a 3-day weekend starting on Friday December 30 and ending on Sunday January 1st.
    2. Starting in Dubuque and then including site visits to Sinsinawa Mound and Viroqua.
    3. Invite the following (and others)
      1. PJ Connolly
      2. Emily Sch
      3. Robert Karp
      4. Erick Amgada (sp?)
      5. Frieda Showalter
    4. Possible connections for networking and/or support:
      1. Regen Network
      2. Refi Spring
      3. Unibe
      4. Ripple
  2. Next meeting: Monday, November 7, 5:30 COT

#2 Notes from 11/07/22 -- 3:00 PM CST

Here is a map of the Driftless supplied by Sev

The Driftless Bioregion

In attendance:  Evan Hudson, Sam Tam, Sev Nightingale, Tyler Hruby, Rachel Olson, Lynn Foster and Bob Haugen

Welcome to first time attendees Lori Foster and Bob Haugen, living outside of Viroqua and still sheltering at home for health reasons. They are retired software designers, creators of Mikorizal software, and key proponents of Valueflows

After introductions/check-ins that highlighted the diversity of gifts and interests present in the group, Evan updated us on Robert Karp from Thoreau College who will be joining us in two weeks, followed by further discussion of other possible connections from our individual networks --

Frieda Showalter, PJ Connolly and Emily Schoerning, among others, have all expressed interest and will be added to the Telegraph group.

There was discussion of local co-ops and a recap of possible opportunities at Sinsinawa Mound

Sev proposed that we begin a bioregional network/contact mapping process to get a full picture of all the people, places,  programs, and projects in the Driftless region for the purpose of further inclusion and relationship building.  Tyler also expressed interest in providing research for this.

It was further proposed that we consider planning a Refi event in the early to mid spring (similar to Refi Barichara) in order to bring the interested parties together in the bioregion for collective visioning, shared learning, and cultivation of regenerative relationships.

In the meantime there is also a plan for those who are available to do so to meet in the Dubuque area the weekend of December 30 to Jan 1 to connect with the bioregion and each other, and to set a collective intention for the New Year.

Next Meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 21st at 3:00 CST.

#3 Notes from 11/21/22 -- 3:00 PM CST

Attending:  Evan Hudson, Frieda Showalter, Lynn Foster, Sev Nightingale, Sam Tan, Tyler Hruby