There are three roles you can pick from:

1) Working Group Leaders - there are 4 specific deliverables we will be creating. You will be assigned to the deliverables you chose in your survey response, however, if you decide to take a leadership role, you will be committing to participating in weekly 90 minute work sessions, coordinating with other leaders, & guiding the development of each deliverable. This role will only apply to 1 out of the 4 deliverables.

2) Catalyst - just like founder’s circles, this role is about taking responsibility for moving things along. Embracing accountability & keeping others on task. Taking this role means you commit to weekly 15-30 minute check-ins, keeping up-to-date & aware of what’s happening, & understanding who’s working on what.

3) Bounty Hunter - each working group will have bounties listed for completion of specific tasks. Taking this role means you are ready & willing to review open bounties as they are created, and completing the ones you are most suited to.